CatDoll Tami with MLW 138B : help to choose head color

Hello Everybody,

I didn’t find a place for newbie presentation, not easy for me, I don’t read Japanese, I have to translate every page but despite the translation issue, i’m already in love with this forum​:yum:

first I want to thank the Dollar Admin for such an amazing forum.

And I wish to compliment DollZoom posters, so much cute girls, so much professional pictures :+1:

I actually own a MLW 138B with Rena head (Silicone & ROS). It is a second hand doll I bought at a very attractive price, therefore I accepted the Rena head even if I don’t like it so much

my project:

I already sold Rena head because I have a crush for CatDoll Tami.

body & head scale

I thought Tami head has different size, but the seller from told me there is only one size per head.
I think my 138B body fit perfectly this head size

Skin color

this is where I need your skills. My MLW 138B is “white natural” and I wish to buy Tami with a skin color closed to the MLW.

I’m aware there is a lot of difference depending on the light, it is a nightmare to choose a skin color​:tired_face:

here is the CatDoll skin colors, Tami’s skin color I like and my MLW skin color:

The seller from told me the Ivory color should be the one to select. He also advised me to provide a picture of Tami with the color I want to help CatDoll painters to fit my requirement

I wish to provide this picture for the painters, what do you think?

this version of Tami is a work of art, she looks almost alive​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

many thanks for your advices


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左から2人目がCatdoll Tamiヘッド + Catdoll 139ボディです。
左から3人目がCatdoll Yukiヘッド + MLW138AAボディです。


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Catdoll’s silicone skin color is a bit unique.
It doesn’t match skin colors from other manufacturers.
I have three Catdoll silicone dolls, and they all have different skin colors.
It’s very difficult to match the colors.:smiling_face_with_tear:

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Thanks for your picture, it is very helpfull, could you tell me the skin color of Yuki’s body? it looks very similar to my MLW (TPE)

very good idea to provide a picture of my MLW body for Catdoll painters​:+1:

you have the double dream, Tami & Yuki, lucky man​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hello Bara2,

it is a pleasure to see you posting in my brand new post​:clinking_glasses:

i’m a big fan of your esthetic pictures and I remember your post where you say : 3 Catdoll supposed to have the same tone but 3 diffrent colors!

I hope to receive Tami with a color that match enough the body to make beautiful pictures.

I’m ordering the Tami’s head in a couple of days, in january, I reserved my first pics for the Dollzoom community​:partying_face:

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Tami is a great head design.
I hope the colors will match.:wink:

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Hi Bara2,

I received the factory pic​:partying_face::partying_face:

first time I see a factory pic sent to the customer…without eyes​:astonished:

without eyes, hairs and teeth, we can still recognize Tami, teh head is beautiful, for sure

the color is close to the MLW138 body but there is still a difference (my body is more yellowish), I know it and I accept since Uchii4646 said this:

Catdoll told me my reference picture (on the right) is an old version of hard silicone, it was used as make-up reference for my order (light make-up and yellowsih skin)

as you can see, the make-up is quite reddish on my Tami, I ask if the factory could reduce this reddish effect but gave my go for shipping since the factory will close for 3 weeks starting january 19, I already waited too much, let’s ship it (and they will not rebuild the head with a yellowish effect anyway, just make-up correction)

I keep you tuned for unboxing :innocent:

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The photo does not show the exact color.
The skin looks to have the strong reddish color that is characteristic of catdolls.
But it is a very cute head.
It is cute even though there are no doll eyes embedded in it.
I am used to seeing heads in this condition.
I hope that the color will be close to the body. :smiling_face:

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Hello Tami Fan Buddies :heart_eyes:,

I got some update from Catdoll: I have the DHL tracking number, delivery within 3/4 weeks as of now (china->Europe). I will watch the clock every day​:rofl:

CatDoll sent me a new picture, with eyes​:+1:, I’m happy because they succeed to reduce the reddish effect as wished

I got different eyes & wigs to make some different Tami’s style, I’m impatient to get the box and start shooting​:blush:

comparison with the first factory pic:

I asked if my Tami has teeth, Catdoll told me they think Tami has teeth, hidden by her lips. Suspens!

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The skin looks less red than in the first photo.

My soft silicone Tami head had very pale skin, so I added some redness with makeup.

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